"Shimmers ///" is an ongoing audio-visual project. Its core is a performative action which is being reshaped anew from a singular and static mould each time. Said "mould" is an ever-growing audio archive of the artist, which they begun in early 2023. Said archive consists mainly of various field recordings, noises, natural sounds and voiced spontaneous interviews captured through various tools. The project is an attempt to improvise a prolonged soundscape created from said archive alongside a set of the artist's audio tools within a live setting.
Photos taken by Mina Yee
"Shimmers ///" (2024)
The content of each act relates directly to the context of the given space, exhibition or event. The same principles follow the choice of audio from the archive. Given the nature of [semi]improvised music, each performance can be vastly different from another, yet because of the repeated assemblage of audio archive and sound making and manipulating tools, the textural quality of each performance relates to the other ones.
The contextual interest of the artist while sculpting the soundscapes is the relation of the sound/noise texture to the body of the audience. Paying attention to the bodily response the sound's recipients experience while being confronted with harsh, prolonged and trans-like barrage of sound, the artist is bordering on exhibiting a monotonous and unexpected sonic experience.
Jeremi Biziuk aka kitarumo